
Narcissa Chron Morton (1851-1924)

By on February 3, 2021

Mrs. Narcissa Morton, an old resident of Howland, died Monday night at 9:15 o’clock. Mrs. Morton was married twice. She was married to Billie Chron in Kentucky. E. C., G. F, and W. I. Chron and Mrs. Lula C. Rowell were children of her first marriage. After the death of Mr. Chron she was married to William Morton in Tennessee. Four children were born to this union, Mrs. F. L. West, Mrs. W. F. Vaughn, Dock Morton and D. F. Morton. Mrs. Rowell died Oct. 14, 1897, Dock Morton died Feb. 11, 1902 and William Morton died June 8, 1918-, all of whom were buried at McGlasson cemetery. Of the remaining children, Mrs. West, G. T. and E.C. Chron live at Howland, Mrs. Vaughn at Chandler, Ariz., W. I. Chron at Healdton, Okla. and D. T. Morton at Morton. She also left a step-daughter, Miss Mae Morton, who is assistant pastor of the Ross Avenue Baptist church of Dallas. All the family were present at the funeral except D. T. Morton, who is ill with typhoid fever. Her only sister, Mrs. Reynolds and her daughter Mrs. Walter Lane and family of Cooper, were present at the funeral.

Mrs. Morton had been ill for two weeks but her condition was not considered serious until a few hours before her death. The children living at a distance were unable to reach her bedside before she passed away. W. I. Chron drove over from Oklahoma in a car Monday night. Miss May, Mrs. W. F. Vaughn and daughter, Cella May, arrived at Roxton on the noon train Tuesday.

Mrs. Morton came from Tennessee with her family in 1895 and settled on the Shelton farm, west of Howland. She had been a member of the Christian church since early womanhood. The funeral services were held at the home of G. T. Chron, with whom she had made her home for a number of years. Rev. W. F. Davis of Detroit had charge of the services and was assisted by Revs. W. N. Vernon of Blossom and H. B. Chambers, pastor of the Methodist church here. Rev. Mr. Davis read a portion of John 14, beginning with the beautiful passage, ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions.’ The songs ‘Rock of Ages,’ and ‘Abide With Me,’ were sung. A large number of friends attended the services, after which the remains were laid to rest in the McGlasson cemetery by the side of her husband and two children. Besides her children, she left a number of devoted grandchildren and a host of friends. Mrs. Vaughn and Cella May, and Mrs. Reynolds are staying over with relatives for a few days. W. I. Chron and Miss May Morton returned to their respective homes Wednesday.




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