William Isom Chron (1879 – 1946)
W.I. Chron killed in Truck Accident – Newspaper article in the Heralton Herald, November 21, 1946
W.I. Chron, retired Healdton cafe operator, was fatally injured shortly after 8 a.m. Wednesday when his pickup truck was struck by a larger truck at the intersection of highway No. 76 and Highway No. 70 between Healdton and Ardmore. Chron died at 9:15 a.m. about a quarter of an hour after the ambulance had brought him to the sanitarium. Hospital attaches said he had a broken leg and severe chest injuries. Details of the accident were not readily available. Highway patrol officers were checking the circumstances at the scene at 10:30 a.m. Both trucks were badly damaged.
William Isom Chron was born November 28, 1879 in Jackson County, Tennessee and died November 20th, 1946. He was married to Miss Tennie Sain at Bennington, Oklahoma, October 28th, 1900 and to this union were born 10 children, six of whom survive. He had lived in Healdton for many years, the greater part of which he was engaged in cafe work. During the years he lived here, he made many friends who regret his passing. He was a member of the Ardmore Masonic Lodge.
Surviving are his companion, Mrs. Tennie Chron of the home address, six children, Fred Chron, Houston, Texas; Sam Chron, Conroe, Texas; Grady Chron of the home address in Healdton; Mrs. C.C. Watson, Conroe, Texas; Mrs. Earl Trammell, Healdton; Mrs. Owen D. Reedy, Long Beach, Cal; six grandchildren, two half sisters, Mrs. Celia West of Howland, Texas, and Mrs. Aulty Gordon of Flagstaff, Arizona, and a half brother, Dutch Morton of Ralls, Texas. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2:30 p.m. in Mt. Olive cemetery with Ardmore and Healdton Masonic Lodges conducting graveside services.